Root of giant taro / Maan kochu for Export

Maan Kochu or finna kochu is Bangladeshi name

Another name is Big Taro or Root Taro

Root of giant taro / Maan kochu

In Bangladesh root of giant taro is a very popular vegetable known as maan kochu. Maan Kochu is pasted and fried to prepare a delicious food known as Kochu Bata. It cannot be eaten raw. The root of giant taro or malanga coco size is big. Seasons of big taro root is available year-round. Around the India, it is known by many local names.

If you are a Importer, Wholesaler or Agent looking for a reliable source with competitive price for importing the Root of Giant Taro / Maan Kochu, you can contact with us for details. We will provide to you details.


Rina Trading International / Royal Trading International
(Vegetables and Fruits Exporter)
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88 01554319498
WhatsApp / Imo: +88 01784326535